Lightly Scented Soaps


What, exactly, is so special about hand crafted soaps?

Glad you asked. There are a lot of reasons that hand crafted soaps are special but the biggest thing is knowing exactly what is being put in your soap. We don’t use anything artificial. No manufactured fragrance oils, nothing petroleum based, no artificial colors.... if it isn’t natural, it doesn’t go in the soap. Also, if there’s some sort of ethical (other than the vegan dilemma) or renewable quandary about it’s resource (like palm oils), we’ll do our best to leave it out. 

We use sustainable oils and fats like lard, coconut oil, tallow, grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, etc. All our fragrances are either from real essential oils or from infusions we make ourselves using nature’s bounty. So sometimes you might find a piece of pine or flower in the soap, at least you know it’s natural. 

We also use regular plain old lye. Yes you read that right, lye. Lye is Required to make true soap across the hand crafted and industrial industries. No lye, No soap. You have to use it to cause the chemical reaction that makes soap, saponification. Yes, lye is a naturally occurring substance. Years and years ago they would add wood ash to a barrel of water to draw out the lye to use in soap making. Today thankfully, we can order it online.  Just remember, the lye is used to make the soap, the finished bar does not contain lye due to processing.  This is one of those things that is very confusing to those persons not wanting 'evil' chemicals in their homes.

Hand crafted soaps are also small batch so we actually adjust formulas if we find problems. Batches may not be identical from one to another even if the exact same measurements are used. Our batches can be made in 2 different ways, hot process or cold process. Cold process yields soap that is smoother, nicer looking but takes a month to cure before you can use it. Hot process soaps are lumpy, bumpy, look rough around the edges but typically can be used within a couple of days. We prefer cold process for most of our soap.

We do have more formulations in the works, as we are just starting this venture we are testing everything out before we sell them to be sure they behave properly. Think sea soaps, clay soaps and laundry soaps just to name a few.

All our bars hover from 3 to 4 oz and are priced at $6 each.

Current Soaps

Beach Mud Scrup Soap

Created with sea salt and bentonite clay, this peppermint scented soap is just what you want to clean away a long day of work in the yard.

Lady Handyman Scrub Soap

Did you go out and fix that car today?  You go girl!! Need to clean off the grease monkey look?  This soap is for you! Made with pumice, sea salt and walnuts shell, this soap will make you feel female again.

Coffee Scrub Soap

Well, we call it a scrub soap but it's a very gentle exfoliating soap made with coffee and coffee grounds.

Calendula Soap

One of out plainer formulas, made from oils infused with calendula petals and bee pollen.  No other fragrances added.

Laundry Stain Sticks

Plain ole soap, just coconut oil, water and lye, nothing fancy and it works well with stains.  Just wet the stain a bit and rub the stick in on the stain.

Chamomile Soap

A delightful soap made with chamomile tea and chamomile flowers.  Just perfect for those warm summer days.

Peppermint Soap

Need an eye opening soap in the morning? We craft this soap from peppermint tea and add peppermint essential oil for that invigorating scent.

Rose Soap

Now what soap maker doesn't have a rose soap?  Ours is even made with ground rose petals.  We have 2 types, one made with milk and one without.